Ants Cuthers
Poro Cuthers
Pastors Ants & Poro Cuthers are a great couple that have been a part of Hamilton Elim for 20 years. They have seven children and four beautiful grandkids. Pastor Ants participates in hearty rugby banter and enjoys romantic walks along the beach. Pastor Poro has the voice of a husky angel and loves to share her gift with us most Sundays. They both hope to one day get matching tattoos and save the world.
At our NEW location
16 Maui St, Pukete, Hamilton
First Service
Second Service
Belonging in this Land
The Treaty of Waitangi From a Christian Perspective: Two-Part Event
Conversation about the Treaty is happening all around us. 'Belonging in this land: Treaty basics from a Christian perspective' is an opportunity for our faith community to explore the story of the Treaty of Waitangi over two 90-minute video sessions.
Session 1: Monday 18th Nov 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Session 2: Monday 25th Nov 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Hosted by Hamilton Elim, 16 Maui Place, Pukete, Hamilton.
Est. 1961
Our New location
16 Maui Street, Pukete, Hamilton 3200
We are now in our new premises 16 Maui Street. The same street as our previous address (same street but a new thing).
Elim Church Hamilton is a contemporary, relevant and growing movement represented by a multitude of nationalities and people groups. Our mission is to be a church that people love to attend, whether unchurched, a new believer or a seasoned believer. In short, we are all about leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We want our church to be known as a place where all people can come to know God in a way that makes sense for them, that is real, and that is ultimately life changing.
Next Steps?
You are welcome here. Whether you’re ready to follow Jesus, get connected or want to make a difference, we are here for you and can help you take your next step.
We have a number of outreaches that would not be possible without you, including but not limited to: local schools, missionaries local and abroad, and various charities.
Thank you for your generosity!
Account Name: Hamilton City Elim Church
A/C Number: 02 0316 0171228 00
Please reference your Giving Number if you have one.
Elim Sermons
If you missed a week or would like to catch up on a series, we have a selection of our most recent sermons online for your listening pleasure.